Saturday, December 21, 2013

Six Cards

For the record I mailed six Christmas cards.  It still really tires me out to do any sort of paperwork.  I'm wondering if it is a Pavlovian response after doing all the paperwork for the various insurance companies.  The minute I sit down with pen and paper a weird brain fog sets in.

Anyway, we do have more friends/relatives than six.  Hubs filled out cards the other day but I don't know who he sent them to since I haven't seen him to talk to lately.  He has been staying late at work and then getting stuck in holiday traffic on the way home.  I'm bummed I missed the solstice concert at the UU church this evening because he didn't get home until starting time.  Herding cats.  It really is like herding cats.

The general plan is that I'm going to see my own family at some point over the next few days, except they haven't told me when.  Would be nice if I got a phone call letting me know what the heck is going on.  Gah.  Family.

My tree looks great.  My son and I finally decorated it today. It looks lovely.  I was telling him about the history of the ornaments as I was unpacking them.  Some of them have been passed through several generations of family.  We decided against the tinsel so it is just lights and heirloom ornaments.  It made me happy to be able to decorate it with him.  I'm sure he has no idea how much it meant to me.  If I told him he would just roll his eyes at me.  LOL

You know those yuletide log vids of a fireplace so that you can make pretend you have a roaring fire?  Last night I found the best one EVER.  Here for your viewing pleasure is LilBub (one of the world famous internet cats) sitting in front of the Yuletide logs purring her cute little head off.  It is particularly effective if you set Pandora on Christmas music while you have the "fire" going.

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