Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life of a Cell

CFS is believed to be related to dysfunction in the mitochondria of our cells.  While the idea is somewhat controversial, it does make some sense since the mitochondria are the energy factories for our cells.  I wish I could embed these videos in my blog but you are going to have to scoot over to the Harvard web site to watch.  I recommend the one on mitochondria and the narrated Life of a Cell.  Now I am no biologist and I can't follow half of what they are talking about but the animation is just amazing and I am truly in awe of how our body functions.  Can you believe that all of these little cellular engines are constantly at work in our bodies making us able to eat, talk and breath?  It is truly amazing!  Don't worry I'm going to keep reading and learning biology.  Someday I will be able to interpret what they are saying in the videos.  Hopefully there will be a cure for CFS before then and I won't be posting that interpretation in this blog.


  1. Fascinating, isn't it?

    The mitochondrial dysfunction in CFS is very well documented at this point - I don't think anyone disputes that it is a significant factor. The big question still remaining is whether it is a cause or an effect...and also how to treat it!!


  2. If you know of any good papers please let me know. I'm trying to learn biology on the fly so that I can read some of the more technical XMRV papers. I think biology is the one science that I haven't studied at some point in my life.

  3. One of the best ones is an excellent overview of the immune system dysfunctions in people with CFS, written by Dr. Nancy Klimas. I don't know if it's online (maybe you could search), but I do have a copy of it on my computer - if you e-mail me (link on my profile), I can send it to you. I'll keep my eyes open for a good overview of the mitochondrial dysfunction. We have too many dysfunctions!!


  4. I agree with Sue. There is much documented evidence of how the causal link effects us we just have not yet figured out what that causal link is.

    I always found the cells incredible amazing. Actually the body is amazing. The fact that have M.E./CFS is much akin to being in the last 2 months of cancer/Aids tells you just how amazing our bodies really are.

    Dr. Paul Cheney has remarked many times that he is amazed that we are able to stand upright or do anything with the devastation this illness is wreaking in our bodies.

    I think that is a testament to how wonderfully made our bodies are!

  5. I think I first realized the true awe of the human body during my pregnancy. I couldn't believe that I could make a fully functional human being in my tummy. The fact that my son was born perfect, with everything intact and working still shocks me 17 years later.
