Tuesday, October 12, 2010

All in All a Good Day

Finally!  Things seem to be getting a little better.  I'm toddling around the house again.  I took a shower today 100% unassisted.  I even managed to stand up to dry off and put my clothes on.  Yeah! 

I went for the scan this morning.  The techs freaked out about my allergy to the CT dye so they didn't use it.  Good for me; bad for the doc.  I got the preliminary results back.  While I have a cyst on one of my kidneys and some fibroids (which I already knew about) there is nothing serious going on inside of me, which is a mixed blessing.  I have nothing serious but that means they still don't know what is wrong with me.  Neither of those things would cause my symptoms.

I see the infectious disease specialist tomorrow morning so I am going to have to behave and go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.  I have to be up at 6am for the drive into Boston.  Icky!!  I much prefer sleeping in until 10am.  I was never a morning person even when I was well.

My good mood has also made a reappearance.  I think the best thing I did for myself was cancel all of my appointments last week so I could sleep and rest.  I also think that seeing my shrink has brought me some relief in that I now have someone I can talk with in person about what I am going through.  While I find writing very therapeutic, talking helps tremendously as well.  I need someone with an outside perspective to ask me questions so I can find some answers.  I have also had a wonderful visit from my sister who left yesterday with much tears and my Mom who is still here with me.

Things are definitely getting a little better.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that things are improving for you. May this trend continue into the holidays and I hope that there is some resolution of what's ailing ya!
