Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cautious Optimism

As much as I detest our expresident, this particular phrase best describes the last two days for me. This is the best I've felt in months! I mean months!! I'm waking up clear headed. I have a bit of energy. I feel like doing jumping jacks but I know better. Instead I put in two loads of laundry and picked up a few things off the living room floor. I also typed up an entire document for my LTD case. I had to have my usual low key few hours around dinner time but if I had done all this work even last week I would have been asleep instead of watching cooking shows on PBS. I'm shocked. I'm joyous. I'm filled with life. I'm excited. Could this be it? Could I really be getting better? Is the worst over? Am I going to relapse? Truth be told I have no idea. Only time will tell. In the meantime I'm cautiously optimistic that I might be on the mend.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you're having some good days finally - you deserve it! You're smart to take it slow and easy...

